A-14, r. 5.1.2 - Agreement dated 11 October 2024 between the Minister of Justice and the Barreau du Québec respecting the tariff of fees and expenses of advocates under the legal aid plan and the dispute settlement procedure

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141. For services related to an application for judicial review by the Federal Court of a decision of the National Parole Board or Correctional Service Canada, including its disciplinary tribunal:
(1)  for preparation, the fees are $1,155;
(2)  for any presence required before the Court, including to present the file, the fees are $320 per period;
(3)  for the examination or cross-examination of a declarant, the fees are $175.
Decision 2024-10-11, s. 141.
In force: 2024-10-30
141. For services related to an application for judicial review by the Federal Court of a decision of the National Parole Board or Correctional Service Canada, including its disciplinary tribunal:
(1)  for preparation, the fees are $1,155;
(2)  for any presence required before the Court, including to present the file, the fees are $320 per period;
(3)  for the examination or cross-examination of a declarant, the fees are $175.
Decision 2024-10-11, s. 141.